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Vol. 6 No. 2 (2024): Journal of Business Economics for Applied Research - Volume 6, Issue 2
Vol. 6 No. 2 (2024): Journal of Business Economics for Applied Research - Volume 6, Issue 2
Journal Research
The Relationship between Intellectual Capital and Audit Fees A Survey Study
وسام حاضر ظاهر
The availability of proactive performance dimensions in the Middle Oil Company/Baghdad Refinery An analytical study of a sample of administrators
أ.م.د. ربيع ياسين سعود الدليمي
Analysis of the impact of the knowledge index affecting economic development A case study of Iraq
أ.م.د. علياء حسين خلف الزركوشي
Contribution of green product design strategies to reducing environmental pollution/exploratory study in a number of laboratories in Nineveh Governorate
أ.م. رياض جميل وهاب
Measuring and analyzing job satisfaction and developing performance for members of the Independent High Electoral Commission - Duhok Office for the year 2023
لا يوجد
م.م. باور أحمد حاجي, أ.م.د. نزار صديق الياس القهواجي
Drip Marketing as an Entry to Enhance Mental Status An Exploratory Study of the Opinions of a Group of Customers in Iraqi Telecom Companies
أ.د. ناجي عبدالستار محمود
Measuring the effectiveness of spending policy to reduce the inflation rate in Iraq for the period (2004-2021)
أ.م.د. فكري احمد لهمود
Using the Sherrod model as an early warning to predict the financial failure of a sample of insurance companies listed on the Iraqi Stock Exchange for the period from (2018-2021) an Analytical study
أ.د. عبدالرحمن عبيد جمعة الكبيسي
The Impact of Corporate Governance on the Level of Accounting Disclosure of Transactions with Related Parties An exploratory study on Iraqi companies listed on the Iraqi Stock Exchange
Dlawar Qader Abbas
The role of technological skills in the success of management information systems A survey study of a sample of administrative leaders in University of Al Mosul Preparation
أ.م.د. احمد زهير توفيق
تأثيرُ الحمل الزائد للمعلومات والحمل الزائد للاتصالات في قرارِ الشِّراءِ دراسةٌ مسحيَّةٌ لعيِّنةٍ مِن المتسوقينِ عبرَ الأَنترنت
أ.م.د. بسام عبد الرحمن يوسف اليوزبكي
The Impact of Visionary Leadership on Strategic Improvisation
أ.د. اثير انور شريف
The development of oil revenues and their reflection on the total public debt index in the Iraqi economy for the period (2004-2021)
أ.م.د مهند خليفة المحمدي
External shocks and their impact on economic development in Iraq for the period (1990-2020): analytical study
أ.د. كمال الهلالي
Determinants of the double deficit in Argentina and its economic and financial effects for the period (1995-2021)
أ.د. هاشم محمد عبدالله العركوب
Analysis of the development of sustainable development indicators and their impact on the production sector for the period (2019-2021)
الباحث: محمد شعبان وهيب الحلبوسي
The possibility of accepting the stability property in the metaverse technology guided by the process of storing knowledge: a survey study in the faculties of the medical group at the universities of Mosul and Nineveh
أ.د. عامر عبدالرزاق عبدالمحسن الناصر
The role of digital technologies in enhancing the quality of financial reports for government units A field study at the University of Fallujah
م.م. مالك احمد عواد
The Impact of Trust and Perceived Benefits of Cloud Accounting on the Quality of Accounting Information A Survey Study in the Financial Oversight Office and Auditing Firms in Baghdad Province
أ.د. رزان شهيد
The Voice of the Customer as an Entry to Enhancing Marketing Excellence Survey Study of the Opinions of a Sample of Fast Food Restaurant Workers in Mosul City
أ.م.د. ليلى جارالله خليل الطائي
Proactive Behavior of Senior Management and Its Impact on Achieving Organizational Excellence: A Survey Study of the Opinions of a Sample of Senior Leaders in a Number of Service Organizations in Mosul
أ.د.آلاء حسيب الجليلي الجليلي
Measuring the impact of some macroeconomic variables on Turkey's economic growth for the period 1985-2022
Suad Qasim, Nada Suhail Sattam
The role of strategic exploration in achieving organizational superiority An exploratory study in the Fallujah cement factory
د. بديعة عون
Transparency in Disclosure of Environmental Costs and Its Impact on the Quality of Financial Reports A Study of a Sample of Iraqi Industrial Companies
م.د. سهير كاظم فاضل
Measuring and analyzing the reality of barley crop production in the Iraqi economy for the period (2000-2022)
أ.م.د. ايمان مصطفى رشاد
Smart leadership and its impact on strategic tourism performance A descriptive and analytical study of the opinions of a sample of employees in the Iraqi Tourism Authority
Smart Leadership and its Effect on Improving Tourism Strategic Performance - an Exploratory Study of a Sample of Employees'
hassan Aodeh, ALI lSSA JASIM
The reality of corporate governance and its impact on the level of accounting conservatism An applied study on a sample of Iraqi banks
أ.م.د. أشرف هاشم فارس فارس
Measuring and analyzing the impact of foreign direct investment in alleviating the severity of unemployment in Jordan for the period (1990-2022)
أ.م.د. رباح جميل سعدالدين الخطيب
The role of monetary and fiscal policy in addressing inflation in Iraq
أ.م.د. أوس فخرالدين أيوب الجويجاتي
The role of influencers in promoting hidden marketing techniques An exploratory study of the opinions of a sample of customers of electronic stores in the city of Mosul
An exploratory study of the opinions of a sample of customers of electronic stores in the city of Mosul
نجدت مصطفى مسيب, ليلى جارالله خليل الطائي, تقى عبدالنافع طه
The role of clarity of goals in the success of the strategic implementation A search for the views of a sample of Diyala University
Ahmed samer nayef
Strategic Adaptation and its impact on Organizational Ambidexterity An analytical exploratory study of the opinions of a sample of administrative leaders in mobile telecommunications companies in Sulaymaniyah Governorate - Kurdistan Region - Iraq
م.م. شەهلا عبدالله محمد
The impact of monetary variables on the government budget deficit in Brazil for the period (1990-2021)
أ.م.د. سعدون حسين فرحان العنزي
The impact of the efficiency of financial leverage management and its impact on maximizing the company’s value. An applied study in Asia Cell Communications Company for the period 2013-2022
م.د. زاهدة علي ياسين البرزنجي
The effect of token capital on reducing bullying in the workplace A descriptive analytical study in the Salah al-Din Health Directorate
أ.د. انيس احمد عبدالله
The effect of the interaction between sharing knowledge and soft skills in developing human resources an exploratory study of faculty members in some Iraqi private universities
Asst. Prof. Dr. Mayson Abdullah Ahmed
The most important factors affecting the investment allocations of the agricultural sector in Iraq for the period (2000-2022)
أ.م.د. ايمان مصطفى رشاد
Predicting the Financial Failure of Banks Using the Sherrod Model by Application in a Sample of Private Banks in Iraq
سيف هشام صباح فخري
Diagnosing the Reality of Pro-Environmental Behaviors A Survey Study of the Opinions of Employees in the Presidency of the University of Nineveh
د. علي ذنون يونس الجادر
Measuring and analyzing the impact of foreign direct investment on economic growth in the Kurdistan Region - Iraq during the period (2007-2021)
م.د.شفان جمال حمه سعيد
The role of audit committees in reducing fraud in financial reports An empirical study on a sample of companies listed in the Iraq Stock Exchange
أ.م.د. أشرف هاشم فارس فارس
The impact of strategic transparency in achieving organizational superiority An exploratory study of the opinions of a sample of administrative leaders in a number of Iraqi universities (University of Tikrit, University of Anbar, University of Kirkuk) as
أ.د. فائق مشعل قدوري العبيدي
Gendering and Utilization of Financial Inclusion A Demographic Study
Rohat Zada, Wisam N Hussein
Iraqi-Saudi trade relations for the period (2004-2021) and their future prospects in light of alternative scenes
د. سماحة صالح علي
Measuring and analyzing the impact of trade openness on economic growth in Iraq for the period (2000-2022)
أ.د. سعد محمود الكواز
The role of artificial intelligence in green innovation by mediating knowledge management processes
أ.د. عامر عبدالرزاق عبدالمحسن الناصر
Contribution of Information Technology Capabilities to Reducing Banking Risks: A Case Study of the Central Bank of Iraq
أ.د. علاء عبدالسلام الحمداني
The Availability of Requirements for Implementing e-management in educational organizations An exploratory survey of the opinions of administrative leaders in the Northern Technical University (NTU)
أ.م.د. نبال يونس محمد ال مراد
Using the high efficiency method in evaluating investment expenditures for the service and productive economic sectors in Iraq for the period (2014-2021)
أ.م.د مهند خليفة المحمدي
The impact of the dimensions of proactive behavior of senior management in achieving leadership excellence: A survey study of the opinions of senior leaders in a number of service organizations in the city of Mosul
أ.د.آلاء حسيب الجليلي الجليلي
Critical knowledge factors for adopting mobile healthcare survey in Mosul city private hospital
ايهاب فخري يوسف الشمري
The role of authentic leadership in reducing job burnout An analytical study of a sample of academic leaders at the University of Fallujah
أ.د. نبيلة عباس إبراهيم
The Role of Servant Leadership Behaviors in Promoting Quality Culture A Field Study at the University of Fallujah - Iraq
أ.د رامز طنبور
The impact of human resources management information systems on the sustainability of the human resource - exploratory research in the Karkh Electricity Distribution Directorate/Worker Sector in Baghdad Governorate
م. معاذ غسان إسماعيل
The effectiveness of monetary policy tools in promoting sustainable growth in the Iraqi economy
ALI Wahaib Abdallah, Dr
The role of knowledge sharing in strategic foresight, an analytical study in Asiacell Mobile Communications Company/Al-Anbar Branch
أ.د. سليمان سليم علي
The impact of organizational spirituality in achieving strategic leadership
أ.م.د. حمزة حميد ياسين
The impact of contemporary economic trends of the international monetary system on some reforms and changes in developing countries (Iraq as a model)
الباحث: زيد محمد رافع الراوي
The Impact of Human Resources Management Governance in Enhancing Organizational Flexibility A Descriptive Analytical Study of the Opinions of a Sample of Employees in the Statistics Department in Salah al-Din Governorate
مثنى فراس ابراهيم, م.د. ياسر مولود حاجم, هبة ربيع شران
The role of authentic leadership in strategic success: A survey study of a sample of administrative leaders in a sample of private schools in the Kurdistan Region/Iraq
أ.د.كاوه محمد فرج قرداغي
Psychological empowerment and its impact on behavioral intention to use augmented reality technology for cybersecurity awareness: a survey study in the banking sector
أ.د. علي عبدالفتاح الشاهر
The effect of company characteristics on the disclosure of sustainability reporting information: an applied study on a sample of companies in the Iraqi Stock Exchange
أ.م.د. أشرف هاشم فارس فارس
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