The Iraqi economy and the dual crises of the period (2014-2020) Implications of impact and approaches to change


  • م.م هاني مالك العسكري

    جامعة الفلوجة


During the period (2014-2020), the Iraqi economy was exposed to two crises, as the terrorist organization seized large areas of the country and this coincided with the sharp drop in oil prices, and this stage was called a crisis or double shock. As soon as the economy recovered from this crisis, it was exposed to a multi-dimensional triple crisis (political-health-economic), which was reflected in the overall economic activities, so growth rates decreased, the country's budget deficit increased, the public debt rose to record levels, and great concerns raised about the process of obtaining Oil revenues. This crisis revealed the fragility of the country's economic and political system.


double shocks, complex crisis


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How to Cite

م.م هاني مالك العسكري. (2021). The Iraqi economy and the dual crises of the period (2014-2020) Implications of impact and approaches to change. Journal of Business Economics for Applied Research, (خاص – ج2). Retrieved from