About the Journal

A scientific journal issued by the College of Administration and Economics - University of Fallujah

It is a semi-annual peer-reviewed journal issued in June and December of each year. It specializes in publishing scientific studies and research related to economic and administrative sciences. It accepts the publication of scientific research written in Arabic or English. One of the reasons for its creation is to fill the scientific and academic need in providing an opportunity to publish social science research. For professors of management and economics, whether at the local level or at the Arab or foreign level, as well as enhancing the solid scientific and intellectual level undertaken by the Faculty of Management and Economics in the local and international community in the academic field.

The magazine also sought, from the first moment of its establishment, to implement all solid and advanced scientific requirements, to accelerate the process of exchanging knowledge in light of the rapid changes that prevail in the contemporary environment, in addition to being an important tool of scientific and knowledge marketing for the college, taking into account all the conditions of scientific research, which made it valuable. A standard that is referenced in local and global assessments of scientific activity and research productivity of universities

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Journal of Business Economics for Applied Research:

It follows an Open Access policy and follows the following standards in the publishing process:

- Fields of work of the magazine: - Scientific and academic research related to economic and administrative sciences and all their branches, such as: economic sciences, business administration, accounting, financial and banking sciences, public administration, management information systems and statistical applications.

- Journal standard number: (electronic version) 2709-6475.

Intellectual rights: Every research published in the magazine is the property of the magazine, and no other party may republish the research or publish a translation of it in a book, newspaper, or periodical except with the written approval of the editor-in-chief.

- Supporting bodies: University of Fallujah - College of Administration and Economics.

- Type of financing: self-financing.

- Privacy Statement: The magazine’s management undertakes that the names of people and e-mail addresses saved on this site will be used exclusively for the purposes stipulated by the magazine, and will not be available for any other purposes or to any third party.

- The magazine is built into the CLOCKSS filing system

- The journal is indexed under   Crossref, ISSN

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To contact the magazine management:

- Email: cae.jabe@uofallujah.edu.iq


- Phone: 009647505381914 (WhatsApp available)

Current Issue

Vol. 7 No. خاص (2025): Volume (Seven), Special (Issue) for Drug-Related Research
					View Vol. 7 No. خاص (2025): Volume (Seven), Special (Issue) for Drug-Related Research
Published: 2025-02-16

Journal Research

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