The poverty crisis and strategies to confront it through the development of subsidies: Applied research in the Women’s Welfare Department in Diyala for the period (2015-2017)


  • م. فيصل سرحان عبود العزاوي علي

    جامعة الفلوجة
  • م. عامر رشيد عنيد


Such as the United Nations, the World Bank and others, have paid great attention to the phenomenon of poverty And provided many advice, consultation and support for various development programs aimed at addressing and reducing poverty in different countries of the world There have been many factors for the problem of poverty in Iraq, including economic, social and political wars, economic sanctions and underdevelopment in some productive sectors. The first part of the research dealt with the concept and types of poverty, the effects of it and its causes,The second topic dealt with the role of subsidies and evaluation of these subsidies in dealing with poverty in Iraq. The third topic came with a set of conclusions and recommendations, including: One of the main causes of poverty and the factors contributing to its growth are several factors, such as the low rates of economic growth and incomes, Economic sanctions and wars Despite the multiple orientations and programs of subsidies to address poverty, But it did not address the real causes.


poverty crisis, subsidy program


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How to Cite

علي م. ف. س. ع. ا., & م. عامر رشيد عنيد. (2021). The poverty crisis and strategies to confront it through the development of subsidies: Applied research in the Women’s Welfare Department in Diyala for the period (2015-2017). Journal of Business Economics for Applied Research, (خاص – ج2). Retrieved from