The role of the spread of Corona virus on consumer behavior: crisis management is an intermediate variable: Descriptive analysis of a sample chosen from the members of the councils of private colleges


  • م. علاء الدين برع جواد علي

    جامعة الفلوجة
  • المدرس المساعد انعام عباس حميدي


The research aims to test the relationship and effect of Corona virus as an independent variable in consumer behavior as a respondent variable and in the presence of crisis management as an intermediate variable in a group of private colleges, and then try to come up with a set of recommendations that contribute to the relationship, and this research was applied to a group of members of the councils of private colleges and the number (32) Individually, the researcher used the questionnaire as a main tool to collect information and to measure the level of research variables and the relationships of influence and influence among them, and in order to process data and information, a statistical analysis program (SPSS) was used to reach the results through a set of statistical means, and the research reached several results that were The most important of these are the high level of research variables (Corona virus, crisis management, consumer behavior) in a group of private colleges, in addition to verifying the existence of highly significant correlation and impact relationships between research variables with their sub-dimensions, and reaching a set of recommendations that support this relationship and enhance practices Members of the councils of private colleges in achieving consumer behavior within the framework of crisis management.


Corona Virus, Crisis Management, Consumer Behavior


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How to Cite

علي م. ع. ا. ب. ج., & المدرس المساعد انعام عباس حميدي. (2021). The role of the spread of Corona virus on consumer behavior: crisis management is an intermediate variable: Descriptive analysis of a sample chosen from the members of the councils of private colleges. Journal of Business Economics for Applied Research, (خاص-ج1). Retrieved from