استراتيجيات التغيير ودورها في تعزيز ربحية الشركات الصناعية باستعمال بطاقة الأداء المتوازن: دراسة تطبيقية في الشركة العامة لصناعة السيارات في الاسكندرية


  • م.م محمد جاسم خليل


  • م.د. زينة حمزة خضير



As a result of the continuous and rapid changes that the world is witnessing in the field of information technology and openness to global markets, making the local industrial companies with a continuous decrease in profitability as a result of the lack, understanding and awareness of these companies of these challenges, and the reason for this is due to the limitations of measurement processes on traditional systems, which requires directing a sum A great deal of attention is being paid to searching for an appropriate method for evaluating performance that goes beyond the limits of the organization to include customer requirements and transcends traditional financial indicators and goes beyond historical standards to future standards.

This is done by applying the pattern of change strategies in achieving the requirements of developing performance and identifying the range of factors and variables affecting the application and practice of the pattern of change strategies and the extent of their influence in the use of a four-dimensional scale represented by the balanced scorecard, so the research included two aspects that represent the first aspect of the theoretical framework of change strategies and their effect.

On the balanced scorecard and its role in the profitability of the company, while the second aspect includes the practical application of change strategies using the balanced scorecard.


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How to Cite

خليل م. م. ج. ., & خضير م. ز. ح. . (2021). استراتيجيات التغيير ودورها في تعزيز ربحية الشركات الصناعية باستعمال بطاقة الأداء المتوازن: دراسة تطبيقية في الشركة العامة لصناعة السيارات في الاسكندرية. Journal of Business Economics for Applied Research, (خاص-ج1). Retrieved from https://uofbejar.net/index.php/new/article/view/72