The knowledge economy and its impact on the comprehensive development strategy: An analytical study


  • م.غيداء صادق سلمان الاسود



The knowledge economy is the result of the enormous accumulation of knowledge gained from the use of information and communication technology of all kinds, whether for individuals, organizations and states. It represents the cornerstone of achieving sustainable development, which has become an urgent requirement to get out of the crisis caused by the contents of unbalanced development, which affected directly and indirectly many aspects of economic, social and political life. Knowledge is the driving force for growth, production, progress and prosperity, and economic and social development. Harmonious with the accumulation of knowledge, development and technological innovation is a tool and not just a requirement for it. Technical change can achieve accelerated rates of human development by improving health, food and knowledge, providing opportunities for communication and participation, and supporting economic growth rates thanks to the exploitation of human, material and natural resources available using modern technology. Today the two fields are linked (Economic and social). The knowledge economy is also a focal point for sustainable development as a path to achieving comprehensive development, being a means of expanding human choices and developing their capabilities.


knowledge economy, knowledge capital, comprehensive development


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How to Cite

الاسود م. ص. س. . (2021). The knowledge economy and its impact on the comprehensive development strategy: An analytical study. Journal of Business Economics for Applied Research, (خاص-ج1). Retrieved from