The Impact of Transformational Leadership in Achieving Effectiveness


  • م. جهان سلمان علاوي



Leadership style is an important variable in managerial and organizational thought, especially in the field of leadership, which began to increase in importance due to environmental changes and disturbances. The transformational leadership style has become one of the patterns that the administration aims to confirm in the course of administrative leaderships and replace them instead of the traditional style.

The research aims to determine the effect of the transformational leadership characteristics of the leaders of the Public Authority for the Maintenance of Irrigation and Drainage Projects on the effectiveness. The researcher used a questionnaire form to collect data that was distributed to a sample of (50) subordinates. Use the statistical program v 23 spss to analyze the data. One of the findings of the research is the existence of a significant and influential relationship between transformational leadership and effectiveness. The reality of transformational leadership in the authority is at an above average level, as the results showed the level of availability of the variable "ideal influence and charisma of administrative leaders" ranked first, while the variable "individual considerations" ranked second, and this supports the achievement of effectiveness in the work of the body.


transformational leadership, Effectiveness


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How to Cite

علاوي م. ج. س. . (2021). The Impact of Transformational Leadership in Achieving Effectiveness. Journal of Business Economics for Applied Research, (خاص-ج1). Retrieved from