Evaluating and correcting the age and gender composition data of the population of Diyala Governorate, according to the 1997 census


  • م. أياد حبيب شمال


  • أرشد حميد حسن



The issue of the census is one of the most important topics that societies are interested in in determining future plans for the country, as the research addressed the errors associated with the population census data, as it focused on Diyala Governorate data for the 1997 census. After using methods of evaluating and correcting the age and gender composition data, it was found that the census data The year (1997) contains a set of errors and that Diyala Governorate suffers from immigration and displacement, and the most important thing recommended by the research is to conduct a census according to a modern methodology for cities through maps and to train enumerators in a more accurate scientific way to obtain the correct results.


Diversity in population, Data errors, Data correction and evaluation, Age and gender composition data


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How to Cite

شمال م. أ. ح. ., & حسن أ. ح. . (2021). Evaluating and correcting the age and gender composition data of the population of Diyala Governorate, according to the 1997 census. Journal of Business Economics for Applied Research, (خاص-ج1). Retrieved from https://uofbejar.net/index.php/new/article/view/50