Determine the effect of some of the social and economic factors on the phenomenon of divorce in Diyala governorate, using the method factor analysis


  • م. عمر عادل عبدالوهاب

  • م.م مريم محمد سلمان


In this research has been the theme of divorce and increasing lately in the community, as the sample was taken from the attorney's own offices civil claim located in Diyala province, using a questionnaire that was prepared for that matter, method was used factor analysis for the purpose of answers researched sample analysis and the use of recycling method which is considered one of the most important roads in the factor analysis through which is determined by factors affecting primarily in the growing incidence of divorce after data entry and processing, the results indicate that the age group of wives and husbands which recur more divorce cases in Diyala is between (29 & 40 years) respectively, while found that families with an average of (two or more children) are the most likely to divorce cases, it turns out that the number of even-numbered years in which marriages are repeated frequently is five years of marriage.


Rotation, Divorce, Factor analysis


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How to Cite

عبدالوهاب م. ع. ع. ., & سلمان م. م. م. . (2021). Determine the effect of some of the social and economic factors on the phenomenon of divorce in Diyala governorate, using the method factor analysis. Journal of Business Economics for Applied Research, (خاص-ج1). Retrieved from