Using Information Technology to Improvement Traditional Management System in the Iraqis’ Educational Institutions


  • Mohammed Layth Talal

    جامعة الفلوجة
  • Ahmed Adnan Mohammed

  • Ihsan Ali Hassan



The research goals at descriptive the use of information technology on the performance of management system in Iraqis’ educational institutions in general and in the University of Dyala as a model, in particular, using the electronic management system in all amenities of the University of Diyala, Based on all the requirements required by the colleges of university in general and the presidency of university, especially information (functional, practical, and scientific) for all employees working from the administrative and technical in the university. All the colleges of the university have been used to offer us with combined statistics to determine the range of reliance on the using the management system in all amenities of the University of Diyala by the colleges of the University. The information collected was processed through the design of the content management system of human resources. Therefore, the use of information technology in administrative department of university is the substance for the development of The employees of the electronic system and the development of their skill in the use of modern information technology. The use of the MS depends on the people who work with it with knowledge in the field of technologies. Besides that, the contribution of employees in the MS with training workshops and courses to improve their expertise in the use of information technology. The advantage of using CMS through tangible reality is the reduction time, effort and paper consumption. As well as Improving the level of performance in the management of educational institutions and keeping pace with the development of modern applications and technologies.

الكلمات المفتاحية:

CMS، CM، SQL، Information، Technology



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كيفية الاقتباس

Mohammed Layth Talal, Ahmed Adnan Mohammed, & Ihsan Ali Hassan. (2021). Using Information Technology to Improvement Traditional Management System in the Iraqis’ Educational Institutions. مجلة اقتصاديات الاعمال للبحوث التطبيقية, (خاص-ج1).\BEJAR.2025.1.1